America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. ~Abraham Lincoln

Friday, April 8, 2016

Lady Liberty No More

     My astute colleague, Mr. Jordan Call, challenged us to answer the question of whether or not Lady Liberty still embodies the American attitudes toward freedom and liberty.  He believes, in short, that she does not.  He argues that our country has no interest in taking care of its own people, let alone welcoming outsiders.  Mr. Call even suggests giving Lady Liberty a "21st century makeover," a more colorful representation, if you will, that accurately reflects America's new "hallmarks" of "intolerance, fear, and xenophobia."  He draws from the rampant poverty of our own people and the desire Americans have to keep others out of the U.S. to validate his claim.  I absolutely agree with his points.

     To add to Mr. Call's argument, I will focus on "intolerance, fear, and xenophobia."  I believe that fear is what has driven this nation to the point of no return.  And what are we afraid of?  Plenty, it would seem.(1)  But a major fear many Americans  have is the threat of terrorism.  Yes, terrorists exist.  Yes, they do unspeakable things.  Yes, they need to be stopped.  However, we have given into fear so much that they have accomplished their goals.  We are terrified.  So terrified, in fact, that we allow the government to violate our Constitutional rights to keep us "safe."  (Shout out to the NSA)  Even as our liberties disappear, we feel comforted.  This is fantastic news for the powers that be.  A fearful public cannot truly be free, and as such, is at the mercy of its "protectors."  It is in this way that Lady Liberty no longer represents freedom.

    Fear naturally leads to intolerance and xenophobia.  Mr. Call made an excellent point when he stated "politicians gain traction and followers by suggesting huge walls or mass removal of Muslims."  It is a truth that causes me great dismay.  Americans no longer desire to be a "melting pot" of culture.  Instead, we want to be a nation closed off from outside influence (they could be terrorists or rapists!), allowed to bask in the glow of our own ignorance.  We wish to hide from anything different, because different means dangerous.  We selfishly claim we are merely holding onto what is rightfully ours. (Jobs, religions, etc.)  But the truth is, we cannot see past our own interests long enough to realize that all human beings deserve liberty, no matter where they may come from.  So, again, no, Lady Liberty does not exhibit that which gives her a name. 

    I propose that it would not be enough to give Lady Liberty a makeover.  Tear her down. Walls?  Not enough.  Build a dome.  No one gets in; no one gets out.  'Merica!   Land of the cowardly, self-imprisoned, and willfully ignorant.
