America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. ~Abraham Lincoln

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Donald Trump...No, No, No

     Oh, Donald. Your drama never ceases to amaze.  Donald Trump frequently makes remarks about punching people or having them carried out on stretchers.  It's kind of his "thing."  So, it should not be surprising that Trump almost encountered a punch himself during his rally in Dayton, Ohio.  This is following a cancellation in Chicago due to a potential for violence. And that cancellation comes after one of Trump's supporters punched a protester in North Carolina. His protesters and his supporters apparently cannot play nice.  Even though Trump seems to approve of such nonsense, this type of behavior is disturbing.  Marco Rubio called it "chaos"and "anarchy."  Perhaps Donald Trump is just a little too punk rock to be president.

    A man that seemingly advocates bullying is not fit to run any country, let alone the U.S.  Now, I understand that people are fed up with the way things are.  I assume those that support him do so because they believe he can shift the direction in which we are heading.  They are entitled to their beliefs.  I, however, think that if this man is elected president, our nation will be divided.  There will be an "us versus them" mentality, and it could become ugly.  Much of this is pure speculation on my part, but if the past events are a sign of things to come, well, then,  it does not seem so far-fetched.

     This recent outbreak of hysteria is not the only reason I think Trump should not be elected.  He likes the "shock factor" of what he says.  He prides himself on not being politically correct. Well, to each their own, but what will this do for our country?  Sure, everyone will feel they can say exactly what they are thinking.  And if someone doesn't like what another says, they can just knock them in the head, right?  Wrong.  This is a publicity stunt, plain and simple.  Make no mistake, the average American will not be held to such low standards.  Why Trump is getting away with it, I do not know.  But, I do know that I want a president that shows a little respect to those he wishes to govern. I do not want a president that advocates violence, claims those coming into our country are only drug dealers and rapists, or outright brags about his womanizing.  It is in poor taste to say such things when you are representing a nation.  Comments like these will not "make America great again."  

    I could be wrong.  Trump may be just what this country needs.  He is, after all, rich.   Let us not forget he had a popular reality T.V. show.  These two attributes should trump the fact (pun intended) that he has never actually been elected to public office.  Not to fear, however, he would be in good company were he actually elected president.  Former President Hoover did just the same, though he was at least a high ranking government official.  And what difference does it make that Hoover is considered one of the top ten worst presidents in U.S. history? Surely history will not repeat itself.

     Maybe I come across as too sensitive and easily offended.  I'm not.  I just feel that our nation deserves a president that can offer to 'make America great again" without turning his campaign into one that rivals an episode of "Jersey Shore."  One can make a point without being degrading.  But what the hell do I know?  Trump appears to be doing great in the polls.  Obviously, people see something in him that I do not.  Perhaps it is his vast wealth or his great plans that he "cannot discuss the details" of.  Whatever it is, I sincerely hope the American public wakes up and demands more for themselves and our nation than what Trump is offering.



Unknown said...

Since my illustrious colleague Mrs. Coggan wrote such a good article, I'm woeful that I won't be up to the task of adding anything of actual worth to the discussion. However, I am willing to make the attempt. I cannot duplicate the emotional fire Mrs. Coggan put into her article. You can tell by reading it that this is a subject she cares about and therefore is passionate about. So instead of being overshadowed by attempting to add emotional fuel, I will be the boring guy who states facts (it's what I do). All of my info (except the part about CNN) comes from Wikipedia. It is properly sourced and cited. I claim no credit for any facts I use.

Mrs. Coggan emphatically states "A man that seemingly advocates bullying is not fit to run any country, let alone the U.S." I couldn't agree more. And as if to make Mrs. Coggan's point, just this evening on CNN Trump stated there could be riots if he is denied the nomination. The undertones and implications of that simple statement are vast. A thinly veiled threat that if he doesn't get his way, he will incite his supporters to riot. A response many have come to expect from "The Donald".

Donald Trump has taken advantage of the American legal system, bankruptcy courts, has engaged in many frivolous lawsuits and has himself been sued many times. He has never disclosed his financial records (something even Obama did when running for President). The only thing liberal about Mr. Trump is his use of "truth". A July 2015 campaign press release, issued one month after Trump announced his presidential run, said that the FEC filing "was not designed for a man of Mr. Trump's massive wealth" and that his "net worth is in excess of TEN BILLION DOLLARS" (emphasis in original document). However, Trump has testified that "my net worth fluctuates, and it goes up and down with markets and with attitudes and with feelings—even my own feelings." On the same day, Trump's own stated estimates of his net worth have varied by as much as $3.3 billion. Trump has also acknowledged that past exaggerated estimates of his wealth have been "good for financing.

Trump's hotel and casino businesses have declared bankruptcy five times between 1991 and 2014 to re-negotiate debt with banks and owners of stock and bonds. Because the businesses used Chapter 11 bankruptcy, they were allowed to operate while negotiations proceeded. Trump was quoted by Newsweek magazine in 2011 in by Howard Kurtz as saying, "I do play with the bankruptcy laws — they’re very good for me as a tool for trimming debt". Is this the man we want leading our nation?

There is way too much ground to cover on lawsuits he has been involved in, but they range from racial discrimination all the way to employees saying their tip money was being withheld. He once sued an airport for 100 million dollars over a noise complaint. And then there's the matter of several business he owned had ties to organized crime. After reading all of this, it's amazing he can even be considered for President. What a great country we live in. You can spend your life getting rich stepping on the little guy, fuck the taxpayers to ease your debt, and then be in charge of everything. America. Fuck yea.

Heather.Coggan said...

Thank you for your comments, Mr. Call. You made many great points that I had not even considered in my argument.